Our 5% Best Price Guarantee, is our commitment to you that we offer the lowest price. If you find a cheaper price, we’ll beat it by 5%! This applies to any product that meets the criteria below.
How to claim your 5% Best Price Guarantee
Our Best Price Guarantee is redeemable both online and in store. Online, you will get a response within 1 business day. In store, our consultants can do this on-the-spot.
- Record the price and offer location, whether it be a catalogue, website or similar.
- Let us know via the website through the "Request A Price Beat" button on our product pages or visit one of our shops with your record of the cheaper price.
- We will verify the comparison and if eligible, you’ll receive the 5% off the matched price.
What is included:
- Advertised prices in New Zealand dollars from domestic retailers, in store and online.
- Competitor’s final price inclusive of any taxes and delivery fees.
- Exact-match products that are new, factory sealed, and subject to manufacturer’s warranty in Australia.
- Stocked items only, available for immediate shipment.
What is excluded:
- All Garmin products.
- Overseas websites and retailers.
- Stock liquidations, advertising errors or misprints, commercial quantities, bonus offers, coupons, discount codes, vouchers, or cash back offers.
- Marketplaces like eBay, Gumtree, Facebook, and Amazon.
- Grey imports that don’t include a New Zealand manufacturer’s warranty.
- Non-shippable products from competitors that are over 100kms from your 99 Bikes store.
- This offer cannot be applied retrospectively.
Club 99 Membership
- In-store this guarantee is exclusively available to Club 99 members who have paid the $5 membership fee.
- If you aren’t a Club 99 member, you must join in order to receive the best price guarantee.
The terms and conditions of our "5% Best Price Guarantee" are subject to change without notice.